
Survey 2022

Download the 2022 report here


The European Sustainable Finance Survey (EUROSFS) aims to contribute to the effective ap-plication of the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities (“taxonomy”) by eliciting and widely communicating market participants’ views of the tool and ideas for overcoming hurdles. The first EUROSFS surveys explored perspectives on the taxonomy from European non-financial companies and commercial banks (2020) as well as public financial institutions (2021).

In its third year, EUROSFS addresses asset managers (AM) and asset owners (AO) as important user groups of the taxonomy. 

According to the EU Commission, “[i]n order to meet the EU’s climate and energy targets for 2030 and reach the objectives of the European green deal, it is vital that we direct investments towards sustainable projects and activities.” 

AM and AO can make an important contribution to shifting capital flows as they select what is being financed. They are increasingly expressing interest in sustainable investing as it opens up new markets and protects their business models in the long term.

The taxonomy was developed to help steer capital towards sustainable activities. Although in itself only a means of defining “sustainable activities”, AM and AO can use the taxonomy in many ways to support sustainable development.



Against this background, the EUROSFS 2022 aims to answer the following questions:

  • How do AM/AO  use the taxonomy  to help achieve the EU’s sustainability-related goals? 
  • Which challenges do AO/AM encounter when using the taxonomy?
  • How could challenges be overcome?



Download the report here.